Le Fils du Dragon
Dragons from generation to generation
Full speed ahead!
For all the family

Can you hear it roar?
The very iconic 'dragon' of the Jardin d'Acclimatation has decided to take off for other skies just as kind as those of the Bois de Boulogne, but sadly far from us, where it intends to take a rest after decades of whirls and bumps. Installed in the Jardin d'Acclimatation since 1987, it was the first fixed roller-coaster in France and has welcomed over 15 million passengers during its existence!
It will be replaced in 2024 by its successor, just as dragon-like, but more dashing, more modern and more surprising.
In the meantime, he has asked his son to stand in for him. "Le Fils du Dragon" has now moved to the Paddling Pool.
Climb aboard one of his 5 gleaming scaled carriages and cling onto the back of this legendary animal!